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Saying one thing but meaning the opposite.Acting passive but aggressively gets his or her own way by not doing what is wanted.Squelching anger then striking out indirectly (for example, by withdrawing).Saying "yes" although meaning "no," and then not following through.Agreement but not complying with agreement, including scheduling appointments but not showing up.Pattern of "forgetting" things he or she does not like to do.Partial compliance, missed parts, sloppy execution.Avoiding asserting oneself, avoiding confrontation, sidestepping responsibility.Creative avoidance.Pleasant agreeability, then doing as one pleases.Procrastination.Insisting on the other person doing the difficult behavior- avoiding being the "heavy" (for example, disciplining children, confronting problems, etc.).Not cleaning or cooking or other expected chores or roles.Refusing to hear criticism, discuss problems, or research such issues.