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gratification of unmet sexual needs,gratification of unmet psychological needs (need to be mothered, fathered, nurtured),gratification of unmet social needs (mating with someone of a higher social status),as a bridge to escape an unsatisfactory marriage (dependent person with or without children),to fulfill a need to conquer or to dominate the opposite sex,for power or control issues,to fulfill a need for love or to culminate an already loving relationship,to fulfill extraordinary sexual drive or sexual compulsionfor purposes of revenge,as a result of alcohol, drug related, or other impulse control problems or disorders,as a result of liberal sexual values, andas a result of opportunity (e.g., job-related travel, physical separation from a spouse, or frequent contact with potential partners).
(a) telling the truth;(b) providing an excuse (denying responsibility);(c) providing a justification (denying the pejorative nature of the information or the deception);(d) refusing to explain when asked (denying the event occurred);(e) evading the issue during conversation;(f) apologizing;(g) soothing the partner;(h) using impression management techniques (strategic presentation of saddened, repentant, or guilty image);(i) invoking the relationship as a reason to forgive and forget;(j) making efforts to reaffirm or strengthen relational bonds;(k) using relational rituals (e.g., giving gifts, flowers, or cards); and(l) talking explicitly about the deception and its impact on the relationship” (Aune et al., 1998. page 678).