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Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse occurs when the perpetrator violates the boundary requiring permission to engage in sexual intimacy and touch. Children because of developmental immaturity do not have the emotional, psychological, and intellectual maturity to give informed permission. Sexual abuse by an adult of another adult violates the boundary of mutual consent required for sexual intimacy. Sexual abuse also violates the boundary expectations of mutual benefit since it is exploitive and dismissive of harm to the victim. Sexual abuse of children violates the trust in the more powerful role of the caregiver to protect rather than harm the person… and to facilitate or permit eventual healthy adult intimacy relationships.Emotional Abuse: Emotional or psychological abuse occurs when the perpetrator engages in communication and actions that pushes individuals across boundaries of self-esteem. Rather than engaging in informative or nurturing communication or behaviors as expected of peers, caregivers, or authoritative figures, they communicate distain, insult, and attacks. It injures the individual's sense of worth. Rather than empowering or supporting the individual, emotional abuse humiliates him or her.Neglect: Neglect violates the role and boundaries of the caregiver to give succor to dependent individuals. Rather than nurture or empower the individual, neglect communicates the inherent lack of importance or worth to him or her.Domestic Violence: Domestic violence violates the boundaries of mutual support and trust between partners. It violates the boundaries of security and safety within the relationship.Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse: Elder and dependent adult abuse violates the role and boundaries of the caregiver or adult child to give succor to dependent individuals. Rather than nurture, support, or protect the vulnerable individual, such abuse in addition to emotional and physical abuse and neglect can include financial exploitation.
Harm: Continued and increased substance use or behaviors beyond some sensory benefit (mild buzz or high) or benign or insignificant effects that results in harm to health (emotional/psychological or physical), occupation or academics, and/or relationships, crosses a basic self-care boundary. The household, workplace, and school have explicit boundaries violated by substance use (being high or drunk) and addictive behaviors (internet surfing). Substance use or addictive behaviors violates relationship, couple, or family members' expectation that the relationship is of higher importance than the desire for the use or behaviors.Legal and illegal: Illegal substance use or illegal behavior violates societal laws created for individual and the common good.