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environmental cluesspatial studyphysical appearancebehavioral cuesvocal qualitiesbody motion or kinesics (Long Beach City College Foundation, 2004).
"He kept pressuring me.""You didn't ask me.""I felt scared.""You should have asked me.""I felt so vulnerable.""How was I supposed to know?"
1. Vocal- We respond to the dynamic, rhythmic, melodic and accent, stress, or tempo components of someone's voice. Silence can be a very powerful message, as can raising or lowering the voice.2. Facial- The face is the most expressive part of our body. Macro and micro facial expressions are strong messages usually connected to feelings, attitudes and personal belief systems.3. Gestural- Gestural aspects of body language are understood in connection to contexts and relationships with other people.4. Postural- The postural aspect of someone's communication relates to the position of the body in a dialoguing context. The whole body is a unit of communication.5. Proxemic- The proxemic aspect includes communication through physical contact including both touch oneself or others.6. Spatial- The spatial aspect uses space to communicate issues such as dominance, acceptance, extroversion, or respect.7. Rhythm- The rhythm of breathing, eye movement, hands and legs, and the whole body gives meaning to someone's expression. Sudden changes in rhythm will increase attention and stress the importance of the speaker's point.8. Movement- Movement is a macro statement in communication and can reveal basic motives, character traits and some practical intents of the person moving.9. Clothing and Body Decoration- These aspects are dependent on individual and cultural standards or ideals.10. Drawing- Drawing is a natural form of communication that may be especially relevant with younger children who are pre-verbal or have difficulty verbally articulating.