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Ronald Mah, M.A., Ph.D.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist,
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A MESS drugs/alcohol
5 Tips- Headline News
13 Reasons Miss Soc Cues
ABCs of Temper Tantrums
Anger Distracts
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Build Castle Walls- Boundaries
Building Alliance w Angry
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Ten Skills Parent Teach Kids
13 Reasons for Missing Social Cues
Communication Conflict Handouts
Commun. & Conflict Handouts
The Working It Out Plan
The Four Honorings of Communication
Confrontation Leads to...
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Teenage Issues Handouts
A MESS Talking Drugs & Alcohol
Education Pay$ A Lot
Community College- Know Odds
Adolescent Egocentrism
Four Keys to Interaction w Teens
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From Assess-Theorie-Results
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Mini-Posters Info Handouts
Mini-Posters & Info Handouts
Study & Practice = Learning
On Irresponsibility
On Appreciation
On Unreasonable People
Crisis is Danger/Opportunity
Education is a Weapon Quotes
7 Deadly Habits that Destroy Rel.
It's Hard
Things Kids Don't Learn in School
100 Years from Now
My Declaration of SE- VSatire
Four Keys Successful Student
Speak Your Mind- MKuhn
5 Core Concerns
Adult Issues Work Dyn Handouts
Adult Issues Wk Dyn Handouts
Relationship Building at Work
Stages of Rel. Devolution
Ghosts in Twilight Zone Questions
CDR (Co-Dependent Rel.) Contract
Involving Stakeholders Decisions
Therapist Resources
Therapist Resources Home page
Therapy Books
Therapy Books
How Dangerous
How Dangerous is this Person?
1. The Question
2. Intuition, Conceptualization, & Resp
3. Assessing Assertion-Violence Continuum
4. Clarifying Questions
5. Characteristics and Criteria
6. Profiles for Aggression/ Violent Beh
7. Comparing Cho and Jim
8. Nine Types or Profiles
9. Carter and Audrey- Frustration
10. Father Knows Best... NOT!- Culture
11. Fun and Games for the Bully
12. Betrayal, Abandonment, & Rej- BDO
13. Special is the Narcissistic
14. World Conspiracy- Paranoid
15. Hannibal Lector- Antisocial
16. Flower or Fury- Psychotic
17. EtOH Disinhibition & CSubs Abuse
18. Aspergers SpecConsiderations
19. Application of Profile Process
20. Application of Criteria Process
Conclusion & Postscript
Opening the Can of Worms-Cple
Opening Can Worms
1. Major Complications to Cple Th
2. Focus on Emotions
3. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
4. Intense Emotionality- Bipolar DO
5. Psychoeducation Foundations
6. Chronicity, Grief, and Loss
7. Self-Medication Interfering w/Cple Th
8. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
9. Developmental Trauma Disorder
10. Domestic & Foreign Warzones
11. Sexual Trauma
12. Personality Disorders
Conclusion: Therapeutic Cautions
Conflict Control-Cple
Conflict Control-Cple
1. Assertion Aggression Cple
2. Anger in Relationships
3. Couple Therapy?
4. Domestic Violence Therapy
5. Abuse: Bully-Victim Dynamics
6. Boundaries and Consequences
7. Cple Compositions w/Aggression
8. Beyond Bullying Abuse
9. Attachment
10. Social Information Processing
11. Verbal Fluency
12. Types and Patterns
13. Acceptance Peers & Education
14. Cycle of Tension-Cycle of Violence
15. Power and Control
16. SensitivityVigilance-HyperSenVigil
17. Impoverished Dialogical Process
18. Paranoid Narcissistic Borderline
19. Paranoid Challenges to Cple Rel.
20. Too Much
21. Distrust as Foundation to Therapy
22. Exceptions and Exceptional
23. Antisocial PDO in Cple Therapy
24. Couple Therapy Hides or Exposes
25. It Depends
I Don't You Don't, DepAnxiety-Cple
I Don't You Don't, DepAnxiety-Cple
1. I Don't Matter- You Don't Matter
2. Gender Differences
3. Cultural Perspectives
4. All Therapy is About DepAnxiety
5. Marriage is About DepAnxiety!
6. Stressors DepAnxiety Marital Distress
7. Antecedents- Distal Elements
8. Habitual Responses & Attributions
9. DepAnxiety Makes Sense-OK is Crazy
10. Attachment
11. Communication & ProbSolving
12. Therapist DepAnxiety
Ouch Borderline in Couples
Ouch Borderline-Cple
1. Challenge of Borderline PDO
2. Insight,Holding,DialecticalBeh Ther
3. Borderline PDO Couple Therapy
4. Effect on Couples & Partners
5. Features & Criteria
6. CultureAgeGenderFamily-DiffDX
7. Abandonment Fears & Attachment
8. ExperientialTrinity-ResponseTrinity
9. Emotional Intelligence
10. Challenging the Paradigm
11. Sensitivity & Support
12. Alone Lonely Desperate Choice
13. Quantitative Change
14. Embrace Challenge
15. Differences in Therapy
16. Therapist Vulnerabilities
17. Integration of Multiple Factors
18. Partner Insight
Scorpion Narciss-Cple
Scorpion in the Bed- Narcissistic in Cple
1. Ambush! Narcissist Partner in Cple Th
2. Features & Criteria
3. Narcissistic Personalities in Cple Th
4. Narcissistic PDO and/or Other DO
5. Kill the Therapist
6. Suitability for Cple Th- as a Cple
7. Partner Matches w/Narcissist
8. DSM Partner Diagnoses
9. Etiology
10. Therapy
11. TherapistFrustration/ClientAntagonism
Conclusion- Gazing into the Abyss
SunMoon DependentHistrionic-Cple
SunMoon DependentHist-Cple
1. Relationship Imbalance
2. Expanse of Problems
3. Dependent PDO in Cple & Therapy
4. Origins
5. Couple Therapy Dependent Partner
6. Phases & Goals in Therapy
7. Third Partner
8. Audience for the Histrionic
9. Potential to Change
10. Dependent vs. Histrionic PDO
11. Histrionic PDO in Cple and Therapy
12. Origins
13. Validating Logical Craziness
14. Mechanisms for Survival
Odd Off Different-Cpl
Odd Off Different-Cpl
Intro: What Is With This Person?
1. Time, Attention, & Energy Demands
2. Social Cues
3. Getting Too Much-Not Getting It
4. Not Getting It In the Couple- I
5. Not Getting It i=In the Couple- II
6. ADHD/ADD- Focus
7. Aspergers Syndrome- Rote Learning
8. Fit and Misfit
Conclusion: Learning=Study+Practice
Mine Yours Addiction- Cpl
Mine Yours Addiction-Cpl
1. Addictions or Compulsivity Cples
2. Behavior Change Plus
3. Criteria Substance Abuse/Addictions
4. Threatening to Abandon Therapy
5. Cultural Norms Stereotypes DX
6. Alchoholic Dysfunctional FamSystems
7. Concordant Couples
8. Avoiding Addict Label Battle
9. Complications & Frustration
10. Two Personas- Who is in Control?
11. Early Recovery
12. Therapist as Witness
13. Support Systems
14. Wanting Change w/o Changing
15. Self-Soothing/Self-Care-Self-Med
16. Resentments & Communicaiton
17. Relapse & Relapse Prevention
18. Pattern, Process, & Plan
19. Therapeutic Relapse
20. Middle-Later Stages of Therapy
21. Lifestyle Change
SorryNotEnough- Infidelity-Cpl
1. Sorry is Not Enough
2. Causes of Infidelity
3. Prevalence
4. Potential Cross-Cultural Issues
5. Types and Function
6. Characterological Issues
7. Partner/Relationship Characteristics
8. Initial Stages of Affair & Therapy
9. Recovery & Healing
10. Foregiveness / Reconciliation
11. Transparency
12. Context for Infidelity
13. Trauma & Trust
14. Old Patterns of Behavior
Therapy Interruptus
Therapy Interruptus
Introduction: Therapy Interruptus
1. The First C- Connection
2. The Second C- Credibility
3. The Third C- Control
4. The Fourth C- Communication
5. The Fifth C- Container
6. The Sixth C- Capacity
7. The Seventh C- Clarity
DownRelRabbitHole- Assessment
Down Rel RabbitHole
Introduction: Dick and Jane
1. Beginning Questions
2. Foundations for Couples/Relationships
3. Facilitating Trust
4. Facilitating Vulnerability
5. Facilitating Self-Expression
6. Facilitating Empahty
7. Facilitating Investment
8. Using the Five Foundations
9. Devolution of the Relationship
10. Using Concepts in Therapy
11. Emotional Reconnection
12. Taking Individual Responsibility
13. Acknowledging Respective Injuries
14. Understanding Symbolic Comm
15. Learning Healthier Communication
16. Therapy from Assessment
Conclusion: Out of the Rabbit Hole
Out of Dev Chrysalis Intimacy/Relationship
Out of Dev Chryalis Intimacy/Relationship
Introductio: WhyPickUpBabyCrying?
1. Therapy as Re-Parenting
2. Basic Rules of Dev Theories
3. Development Happens in Stages
4. Critical Periods in Development
5. Quantitative to Qualitative Change
6. Dev is Sequential & Progressive
7. SkippingRushing DevProblems
8. GettingStuck Regressing-StressAbuse
9. Developmental Energy Reasserts
10. Resiliency DevEnergy Later
11. Satiation Triggers Dev Progression
12. Anxiety & Attachment
13. Practice Anxiety
14. Attachment Theory
15. Reflective Function
16. Separation Distress
17. Emotionally Focused Therapy
18. AttachInjury ResolutionModel
19. TherapeuticCues-Age-InapprBeh
20. "I'm Fine"- Denial
21. "You're the One!"- Projection
22. "I'm Sorry"- Introjection
23. CognDevProcessing- Relationships
24. Magic- Pre-Operational Thinking
25. If This, Then That- Concrete Oper
26. DependOn, ThenThis- Formal Oper
27. Facilitating Dev Progression
28. Quantitative/Qualitative Concrete/Abs
Born That Way- Termperament Rel
Born That Way- Termperament Rel
Introduction: Born That Way
1. Temperamental Traits
2. Intake w/o Temperamental Focus
3. Evaluation & Assessment
4. Context AmpsMitigates Temperament
5. Temperament & Anxiety
6. Attachment & Temperament
7. Learning Disabilities & Temperament
8. Personality Psychopathology Couples
9. Gender Characteristics
10. CultChallenges SpecTemperament
11. Successful Temperament-Personality
12. Temperamental Profiles
13. Positive Characteristics
14. Negative Characteristics
15. Goodness of Fit - Mutual Match
16. AssessTemperament & GoodnessFit
17. Therapy-Adapting for Mismatch
Ghost Guest Family Past
GhostGuests FamilyPast Rel & Ther
Introduction: Puppy, Poppi, Pauly - Copy
1. Neurosis & Reality Check
2. Scripts & Ghosts in Relationships
3. Compulsive Anticipation- Dynamics
4. Story & Coherence
5. Indicators FamOriginTher-X Factors
6. Illogical Values
7. Psuedo-Maturity
8. Rigidity of Roles
9. Preponderance Implicit Rules
10. Incorrect-Illogical Perception
11. Distancer-Pursuer Script
12.Gallant Knight-Damsel Script
13. Daddy'sGhost-Momma'sGirlScript
14. Money Scripts
15. Big Deal Out of Nothing Script
16. NuclearFam Proj- Triangulation
17. Differentiation
18. Multi-Generation Transmission
Roles Rigidity Repair in Relationships
Roles Rigidity Repair in Relationships
Introduction: Functionality
1. Roles, Hierarchy, & Re-Structuring
2. Match and Change
3. Equity & Inequity
4. Composition
5. Abuse Substance Abuse & Addiction
6. Join the System
7. Assess & Challenge
8. Reframe & Challenge
9. Authority & Power Indicators
10. Equity & Allocation Consensus
11. Power Benefit Romance
12. Rock of Resentment
13. Ineffective Conflict Resolution
14. Poorly Defined Roles- "Help"
15. Poor Commnication
16. Rigid or Enmeshed Boundaries
17. Inappropriate Coalitions
18. Authoritarian & Permissive Familes
Conclusion: Therapy Temp Exec System
Out Monkey Trap- Breaking Cycles Rel
Out Monkey Trap- Breaking Cycles Rel
1. Sequence & Hierarchy
2. Basic Plan & Basic Questions
3. Treatment Plan
4. Interrupting the Pattern
5. Techniques
6. Humor
7. Things That Happen
8. Interpretation
9. Harm
10. Personal Effects
11. Response
12. Cyclical Behavior Patterns
13. Stuck Patterns of Behavior
14. Stereotyped Perception/Lack Flexibility
15. Lack Cognitive Insight
16. Persence Unacknowledged Values
17. AuthoritarianTraditions & Patterns
18. Question the Premises
19. Paradoxical Directives
20. Second Order Change
21. Crisis Impasse 2nd Order Change
Conclusion: Monkey Trap
Mirror Mirror- Self-Esteem Relationships
Mirror MIrror-Self-Esteem Relationships
Intro: Communication Oriented Therapy
1. Assessment
2. Treatment Plans & Goals
3. Interventions
4. Indicators Communication Therapy
5. Dysfunctional Rules & Rituals
6. How Self-Esteem is Developed
7. Self-Esteem & Socialization
8. Confrontation & Conflict
9. Four Honorings of Communication
10. Working Out Plan
11. Self-Esteem Theory Principles
12. Power & Control
13. Competence
14. Foundations of Self-Esteem
15. Self-Esteem in Relationship
16. Communication & Behavior
Conclusion: 90 Seconds a Day
All Relationships MultiCult
All Relationships Multi-Cult
Intro: Inherently Cross-Cult/Multi-Cult
1. Mismatch Cross-Cult Challenges
2. Therapists & Potential Diversity
3. Multiple Couples Assessments
4. TrapsChallenges-Determinism Rel
5. Stereotypes
6. Problematic Approaches
7. Educational Enrichment Approach
8. Moralistic Approach
9. Atonement Debt Guilt Approach
10. Entitlement Victim Approach
11. Quasi-Cathartic Invasive Approach
12. Practical Functional Approach
13. Basic Definitions
14. Changing Survival Demands
15. TherapyTherapist Match Clients
16.Cultural Change Goes Slowly
17. Convergence
18. Expression Areas Cult Differences
19. Gender Roles
Therapy! What's Therapy?
Therapy? What's Therapy
Introduction: Roles of the Therapist
1. Therapist Is... Therapy Is...
2. Judge - Referee
3. Facilitator - Mirror
4. Guide - Educator
5. Fixing - Interventionist
6. Parent
7. Therapist Cross-Cultural Guide
8. Therapist & Client Goals
9. Goals of Clients
10. Hope
11. Cultural Goals
12. Doing Your Own Therapy
13. Liking... Not Liking Clients
14. Ind Therapy in Cple & Fam Therapy
15. Challenge & Dissonance
16. Challenge Again
17. Name It
Conclusion: It Depends
Therapy Articles
Therapy Articles
13 Reasons Miss Soc Cues-
Anger Distracts
Anticipating Complic. in Cple
Borderl-Narciss-Paran. Oh My!
Corporal Punish Cautions
Couple Capacity to Change
Couple Therapy- What?
Cynical Couple Therapist
How Dangerous is My Client
Incentive Beh Mod Prog
Make Offer, teen games
A MESS- drugs/alco
No Broken Clients- Against SOCE
Paranoid Personality in a Couple
Scorpion Bed- the Narciss. Partner
Therapy & Life w/ Elder from Hell
Therapist Interactive Play
Therapist Referral- Walk with Us
What I Choose to Do- Therapist
Why Pick Baby Crying
Prof Training Wkshps
Professional Training Topics
Difficult Children
Beyond Reasonable Susp
Games Difficult Adoles
When Don't Know CrossCult
One Size Doesn't- Couples
Hate Ins Co- Private Practice
Seduc Arrog- L&E
From Diff to Dangerous
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"I Want To Do That!" Developing Workship Presentations, from Idea to Conceptualization to Detail to Comprehensive Workshop
Personal through Moral and Cultural Issues to
Ethical and Legal Requirements--The Story of the "Al's"
Reasonable Suspicion + Mandated Reporting = ? Experiential Training to Understanding Child Abuse and Mandated Reporting
"What First... Intervention Last" Assessments in Intervention & Treatment Planning in Therapy & Other Human Services Work
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3056 Castro Valley Blvd., #82
Castro Valley, CA 94546
Ronald Mah, M.A., Ph.D.
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, MFT32136
office: (510) 582-5788
fax: (510) 889-6553
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