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Should assess the attachment experience, possible injuries, and style of the individual;Address the individual's attachment wounds and injuries from childhood experiences;Adjust therapy and interventions for the relationship relative to different insecure attachment styles;Assess and intervene against the individual's aggressive (including passive-aggressive) and violent behaviors towards the partner;Assess and intervene against tolerance of partner aggression against the individual, including domestic violence, affairs, addictions, and passive-aggressive behavior;Address and heal the individual's abandonment fears;Teach appropriate behaviors to deal with abandonment fears and improve intimacy and attachment security;
Identify the individual's relationship pattern;Identify the stability and intensity of relationship patterns;Promote stable relationship behavior;Caution the individual against over-idealization;Restrain the individual from over-investment in the relationship;Uncover the romantic relationship story;Assess the individual for developmentally appropriate intimacy beliefs;Anticipate both positive and negative over-reaction by the individual from idealization;Maintain stable therapeutic presence and role;Help the partner anticipate over-idealization, over-reaction, and erratic behavior;Help the partner maintain stable presence and role.
The individual's helpless by prompting assertive behavior;The individual's omnipotence by pointing out incapacities;The individual's fantasies about perfection relationships through reality checking;The individual's assertion of other (partner or therapist) omnipotence by pointing out other's limitations;The individual's denigration of other (partner or therapist) amoral intent through reality checking;The individual merging self with the other (partner or therapist) by revealing autonomous choices;The individual to find and express a core of self;The partner resist the individual's loss of self, attempts to merge selves, idealization, and other problematic actions;The partner to maintain personal autonomy while encouraging and requiring the individual to have personal autonomy as well.
Should assess for the individual's history of impulsive behavior, including temperamental characteristics;Should assess for the individual's aggressive tendencies;Should teach the individual and the partner how to anticipate the individual's triggers for impulsive and aggressive behavior;Should teach the individual self-management skills for his or her impulsivity and aggression;Should evaluate the individual's ability to have joy and work against his or her dysphoria;Should examine the role of sexual activity, compliance, and impulsivity in the individual's relationship history and present;Should examine for sexual abuse history in the individual;Should conduct psychoeducation of the origins and effects of impulsivity for both the individual and the partner;Should guide the partner in responding appropriately to the individual's impulsivity.