Main menu:
1. Trust2. Be Vulnerable3. Self-Express (Expressive Communication):
a. Introspectiveb. Insightfulc. Connected to Own Feelings/Processd. Articulate
4. Empathize (Receptive Communication):
a. Listenb. Understand
c. Relate/Identify
5. Invest
does not trust from having been violated and betrayed many times,fears vulnerability from having been hurt over and over,expresses dysfunctionally (in terms of American therapeutic culture); he or she may avoid introspection, have poor insight, often are disconnected and even fearful of own feelings, articulate very poorly,is self-focused in order to survive (often self-righteously), and is consequently dismissive of the other's feelings; he or she may listen to argue or dispute… or rationalize egocentrically,and cannot identify, fearing identification with the partner causing him or her to lose his or her own "righteousness."