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Can you tell me one thing that most interested you from the feedback last session?What in particular caught your attention about these comments?
Has there been any time in the last two weeks, when you thought (the presenting problem) would happen, but it didn't?Has there been any time in the last two weeks where you thought a change (in interaction or relationship identified in the first session would happen, but it didn't?Have you noticed you or your partner or family member doing something slightly different in their interactions in the past two weeks?
Can you tell me about this example in more detail?If I had been a fly on the wall at your house, what would I have seen happen as a lead-up to this example?What happened next?What happened after that?
Ask person A the following and then check person A's impressions with persons B and C:If I asked person B what message he was trying to give to person C what do you think he would say?If I asked person B what his intentions were in interacting with person C in this way, what do you think he would say?If I asked person C what effect person B's behaviour had on him, what do you think she would say?How important do you think person C would tell me this was to her?
Ask Person C, 'How do you think person B managed to interact in this way on this occasion?What advice do you think she was giving herself?What strengths do you think person B was relying on in interacting in this way?Ask Person C, 'What was it like for you to hear person C's impressions about what you did?
What does it tell you about him or her as a husband (or wife, or son or daughter… or friend, colleague, or boss)?What does it tell you about him as a person?How do you think it relates to his values or what he feels is important in his life?Can you tell me some other examples in the past of when he has demonstrated these qualities?Is there any one particular experience in his life that most contributed towards the development of these qualities?
Of all the people you have known, who would be the least surprised to see you taking these steps?What would this person tell me if they were here and I asked them to tell me a story about how they came to believe in you in this way?
If I met you in three months and these developments had continued, what would you tell me could have happened regarding the problem you initially came to see us about?If I met you in three months' time and these developments had continued, what would you tell me about the relationships between you?If I met you again in three years, how significant would you tell me the changes you had made in these two weeks were? In the life of the identified client? In the life of your family?
Imagine a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is how things are in the family at their most difficult, and 10 is how you would like them to be. Where would you rate things at the moment?Imagine that when I see you in two weeks' time, you have progressed by half a point? What would you tell me had happened? What would you tell me had been involved in achieving this?