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1. Women are generally more exacting in personality mate preferences, desiring higher levels of a variety of socially desirable personality characteristics in potential mates;2. These sex differences are especially strong and consistent across samples for Surgency and Intellect-Openness;3. Couples show low levels of assortment for personality, significantly so for the dimensions of Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Intellect-Openness using the composite personality measures, but not significantly for the self-reports alone;4. Men and women both desire mates who are similar to themselves in personality; men and women actually are mated with individuals who embody their preferences, although there are clear individual differences in the degree of such embodiment;5. Individuals who have a mate high on Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect-Openness are more satisfied with their marriage; and6. Having a mate who is discrepant from one's ideal does not contribute any unique variance to marital satisfaction above and beyond the partner's personality. (Botwin et al., 1997, page 129)